Roping 101
Geared toward beginner ropers and those who have never roped. Roping dummy will be available for spectators. Lunch provided!
RSVP via text to 970-988-5480, or email at
Groundwork for Partnership and Respect
This will be held at the beautiful WZ Ranch indoor arena at 2200 Twylby Rd, Larkspur, 80118. We’ll work on hobbling, ground tying, improved lunging skills, sacking out, and more.
Horses will need a neg coggins and either a 30 day health certificate, or a letter from a vet stating the horse is healthy within 30 days of the event.
Colt Starting Clinic
Whether you just enjoy watching the process, plan to start or restart a horse in the future, or have a horse to bring, this event is for you! Lunch provided both days.
Format: Demos in the morning, then lunch, then individual work on attendees horses.
Groundwork for Partnership and Respect
Begins at 8am (for some reason, the Squarespace widget is stuck on 10am)